The Los Altos Rod and Gun Club exists to provide a safe, fun, family-oriented outdoor shooting range for you to enjoy and improve your shooting skills.
Public Hours
Public admitted Thursday-Sunday†9AM-3PM
(Last admission is 3PM, shooting ends at 4PM)
† closed Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas Day
All Day Admission: $35 | age 7-17 $20.00Annual Pass: $650
(Unlimited public day range entree fees for 12 months, free junior entry and Pro-shop discount.)
Electric Trap: +$8/round (25 shots)
Annual Pass
Price Changes - Starting March 1st
- Juniors entrance fee increases to $20.00.
- Veterans, Active Military, First Responders with ID increases to $25.00.
- E-trap increases to $8.00 / round.
Rule Changes
- Rapid fire for all calibers is NOW allowed! (You must maintain control of your impacts).
Range Hours / Closures
- Check our calendar link above for important information.
General announcements
- We DO NOT rent firearms.
- We DO sell ammunition for range use ONLY.
- No reservation required, all ranges are first-come, first-served.
- Everyone must check in with office upon arrival. There is no handling of firearms allowed in the office parking lot.
- Everyone is required to have an Orange Safety Card. Orange Safety Cards can be earned upon completion of a safety quiz at the office.
- For safety reasons, non-English speakers must be escorted by an experienced shooter who is able to translate at all times. Only one translator per two non-English speakers is allowed.